15:59 < SapientSquirrel> Identifying screen locations of widgets isn't as hard
as identifying widgets :P
16:00 < Ishpeck> Story of my life for the last decade.
16:00 < SapientSquirrel> Yeup
16:00 < SapientSquirrel> Same boat
16:00 < SapientSquirrel> Which is why I gravitate so heavily toward xpath
16:01 < SapientSquirrel> Less characters to modify in browser automation when
the changes inevitably fuck everything up
16:01 < Ishpeck> Doesn't help matters any that different browsers each rendered
the same code differently.
16:01 < SapientSquirrel> Yeahhh
16:01 < Ishpeck> Even between MSIE versions.
16:02 < Ishpeck> xpath is fine. It really isn't any different than just
16:03 < Ishpeck> Which, I suppose, is the number 1 reason why Phlik is in love
with JS
16:05 < Ishpeck> But really, discovering the location of a widget you already
know exists is megatrivial.
16:06 < Ishpeck> Crossing into the realm of another engine's DOM is where that
idea gets fucked up.
16:07 < Ishpeck> ... which, I suppose, is the #2 reason why Phlik is so
enamored with JS
16:11 < Ishpeck> Because when your widget discovery code is rendered within the
engine itself, it implicitly glosses over the
browser/engine-specific differences.
16:11 < SapientSquirrel> Hmm
16:11 < Ishpeck> I suppose this makes Phlik something like wise... If you're
not doing web testing in JS, you're doing it wrong.
16:12 < SapientSquirrel> That may just be the case
16:12 -!- SapientSquirrel [~asutton@] has quit [Quit: Leaving.]