Tuesday, February 22, 2011

little brother

8:15 AM phlik: man i ust pushed out your little brother
 dudeman21inc: well seeing as how he is 6foot 4inches, are you in the hospital?
8:16 AM phlik: he was soft
  but it looked like you
 dudeman21inc: well my little brother doesn't look like me
  and how did you eat a clone of me?
  i've never been cloned
  and you seem to be a cannibal
 phlik: way to take it to the extream
 dudeman21inc: lol

Friday, February 18, 2011

on educational cartoons

10:12 AM Naomi: I just realized... I think most of the reason I know any classical music is Ren & Stimpy. :)
 PHLIK: isn't it sad that a show hated by most paretns gave you more culture then any parent ever will
10:13 AM Naomi: Hehehehe
10:14 AM PHLIK: It's true in a lot of things. Want your kids to learn the states or countries of the world let them watch anamainicas
  the list actually goes on and on

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Magic Underware

1:21 PM ishpeck: "Do you Mormons believe in Magical Underwear?"

"Everyone thinks underwear is magical. That's why advertisers use pictures of women wearing it; to evoke its magical, sales-summoning properties."
1:22 PM phlik: lol
 phlik: i was going to say i believe in the push up braw it is magic.

Free Speech

PHLIK: lol
2:34 PM this is why you never put in writing any thing that can be tracked back to you
  any thing dragatory
2:35 PM LLAMA: see, teachers should be allowed to call their students piles of shit
  if a parent has a problem with it
  honestly its probably your kid thats a shithead
2:36 PM PHLIK: yep
2:37 PM LLAMA: if they fire her, that district is going to lose a ton in a wrongful termination suit
 PHLIK: ya
  now if she wrote it on work time they might be able to take the content as work for hire :P
2:38 PM but i don't think they can do any thing about it
 LLAMA: they don't have an internet fair use policy
  their mistake
 PHLIK: and a no blogging policey
 LLAMA: so they can't dictate what was right/wrong to do on the internet during work time :D
 PHLIK: true
  which reminds me
 LLAMA: tahts why its going to be a landslide wrongful termination suit