Conversations With Phlik
Place where I toss up all the interesting or weird things people chat with me about.
Monday, August 1, 2011
Convo about me
as identifying widgets :P
16:00 < Ishpeck> Story of my life for the last decade.
16:00 < SapientSquirrel> Yeup
16:00 < SapientSquirrel> Same boat
16:00 < SapientSquirrel> Which is why I gravitate so heavily toward xpath
16:01 < SapientSquirrel> Less characters to modify in browser automation when
the changes inevitably fuck everything up
16:01 < Ishpeck> Doesn't help matters any that different browsers each rendered
the same code differently.
16:01 < SapientSquirrel> Yeahhh
16:01 < Ishpeck> Even between MSIE versions.
16:02 < Ishpeck> xpath is fine. It really isn't any different than just
16:03 < Ishpeck> Which, I suppose, is the number 1 reason why Phlik is in love
with JS
16:05 < Ishpeck> But really, discovering the location of a widget you already
know exists is megatrivial.
16:06 < Ishpeck> Crossing into the realm of another engine's DOM is where that
idea gets fucked up.
16:07 < Ishpeck> ... which, I suppose, is the #2 reason why Phlik is so
enamored with JS
16:11 < Ishpeck> Because when your widget discovery code is rendered within the
engine itself, it implicitly glosses over the
browser/engine-specific differences.
16:11 < SapientSquirrel> Hmm
16:11 < Ishpeck> I suppose this makes Phlik something like wise... If you're
not doing web testing in JS, you're doing it wrong.
16:12 < SapientSquirrel> That may just be the case
16:12 -!- SapientSquirrel [~asutton@] has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
little brother
Friday, February 18, 2011
on educational cartoons
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Magic Underware
"Everyone thinks underwear is magical. That's why advertisers use pictures of women wearing it; to evoke its magical, sales-summoning properties."
Free Speech
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
You Smell
(12:57:05) Fuf ha WTF I do not smell!!!!!!
(12:57:12) Phlik Yes you do.
(12:57:23) Fuf Pfffffft....
(12:57:29) Phlik I didn't say you smell bad just that you smell
(12:57:33) Phlik :P
(12:57:54) Fuf haha well when most people say you smell, it's generally not a positive thing!
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Feminists are henceforth female chauvinists
(08:34:02) Ishpeck So... is the word "douche" meant to represent the masculine version of "whore?"
(08:34:14) Phlik i don't know
(08:34:25) Phlik i always think of it as the thing a woman uses to clean them selves
(08:34:45) Ishpeck For a douche ends up nestled in only the filthiest of twats and discerns them all the same... that indescriminate nature seems rather whore-like.
(08:35:00) Phlik lol
(08:35:27) Ishpeck Has our culture finally evolved to the point of recognizing whoredom in men?
(08:35:37) Phlik lol
(08:35:38) Phlik yes
(08:35:43) Phlik but that aplaude it usually
(08:35:46) Phlik points to rock starts
(08:35:53) Ishpeck Alright, feminists may all consider their work done.
(08:37:57) Ishpeck From henceforth, all persons assuming the title "feminist activist" are now just female chauvinists.
(08:38:10) Phlik lol
(08:38:20) Ishpeck Because we've reached equity.
(08:38:33) Ishpeck And any further pushing in womens' favor is inequitable.